Breath+Oneness Presents

Conscious Singles

Mindfulness + Dating

Are you tired of online dating swipe-culture?

Are you at a loss for how to meet conscious, available people that want a loving, committed, long-term relationship?

Would you like to spend your time doing fun and interesting activities with other people that are on the same page as you while you look for your special person?

Conscious Singles is designed to help you find your life partner while you learn, grow, and have fun along the way.

These events serve two purposes: learn about yourself and the art of relating through each session’s themed mini-workshop while making authentic, meaningful connections with the other participants.

The values of Conscious Singles are:

  • Honesty

  • Authenticity

  • Integrity

  • Kindness

  • Fun

  • Meaningful connections

  • Laughter

  • Real and deep love

  • Commitment and dependability

  • Long-term relationships

  • Self-development and “doing the work”

This community is right for you if:

  • You are ready for a long-term, committed partnership

  • You’ve done at least some personal development work

  • You consider yourself conscious: awake, aware of yourself and others, and you are making thoughtful, deliberate, intentional decisions in your life and are able to follow through with them

  • You are mature, dependable, and able to enjoy life and have fun

  • You are interested in growing, learning, deepening, and expanding

Weekly Themes: Astrology, Love Languages, Creativity & Play, Communication, Yoga & Sound Bath, Cacao Ceremony, Tantra, Mindfulness & Presence, Partner Stretching, Gong Bath, Breathwork, and more!

Weekly Themes: Astrology, Love Languages, Creativity & Play, Communication, Yoga & Sound Bath, Cacao Ceremony, Tantra, Mindfulness & Presence, Partner Stretching, Gong Bath, Breathwork, and more!

Pricing per event: $45, pre-registration required more than 2 days before the event

$120/month - unlimited access

All of our events are always:

  • in person

  • drug and alcohol free

  • mini-workshops that have a themed lesson, discussion, and/or movement based practice

  • designed to be fun, interesting, and different every time

  • only held if there are at least 3 women and 3 men signed up

  • engaging and dynamic

The Agreements of our space:

  • everyone is sober

  • all words and actions are respectful of everyone else

  • all personal boundaries are respected

  • Consent culture: 

    • open communications

    • boundaries clearly expressed

    • consent is an active, ongoing, and voluntary agreement that can change at any time

    • consent is an enthusiastic yes that can be taken back at any time

    • mutual respect

    • everyone is empowered and supported in using their voice

  • everyone is here for meaningful connections and building real relationships

Book Now

Pricing per event: $45 pre-registration required more than 2 days prior to event
(or)$120/month - unlimited access


  • Events are only held once our minimum of 3 women and 3 men are signed up. If, two days before the event, not enough people of either gender are enrolled we will cancel the event and reimburse you.

  • These events are geared towards our straight community, so naturally-born men oriented towards naturally-born women and vice-versa.

  • Every event starts with fun, interactive ice-breakers, then moves into our learning/practicing portion of the evening based on a theme. After that there will be deeper relating activities, followed by a half-hour tea & mingle time.

  • No, you don't need to bring anything, although you might want to bring your yoga mat - if you have one - on our yoga nights. On our astrology nights, bringing a printout of your natal chart (which you can get at is also very helpful.

  • Please join us if you'd like to! We ask that the variance is no greater than +/- 3 years from the age range posted, to keep attendees within a close enough demographic to be useful for dating purposes.

Meet Your Host

Co-founder of Breath+Oneness, Carrie Arlah has been facilitating groups for over 15 years. With decades of relationship training and experience, she brings her passion for healthy relating and developing useful skills to these fun and dynamic experiences.

Upcoming Events

  • 40-50 year olds

    Wednesday October 23rd


    Cacao Ceremony

    Allow the heart warming and opening properties of ceremonial cacao to facilitate deeper awareness and connection as we honor the sacred within ourselves and each other.

  • 25-35 year olds

    Wednesday October 30th


    Creativity & Play

    Embrace your childlike wonder and play as we engage in fun art activities that get our creativity flowing and imbue us with a heightened sense of adventure and exploration.

  • 50+ year olds

    Saturday November 2nd



    What does your Sun Sign, Moon Sign, and Venus have anything to do with finding compatible matches? Come and find out in an illuminating evening of learning and connection.

  • 40-50 year olds

    Thursday November 7th



    Learn some new skills and/or continue growing your ability to speak so that others can hear you while also building your empathy muscles and engaging in meaningful conversations.

  • 30-40 year olds

    Friday November 8th



    Learn some new skills and/or continue growing your ability to speak so that others can hear you while also building your empathy muscles and engaging in meaningful conversations.

  • 35-45 year olds

    Thursday November 14th



    Learn the basics of tantra - which is the art of connection - through fun exercises that deepen our ability to be present and build skills in physical touch and sensorial awareness.

  • All Ages

    Wednesday November 20th


    Singles Communication Skills

    Welcome to our first all-ages mixer where we will build our relational skills toolkit with solid communication principles and lots of practice with each other.

  • All Ages

    Saturday November 23rd


    Astrology & Love Languages

    Come for a fun mix of learning about astrology, the different love languages, and about yourself and others as we explore and discover together.

  • 35-45 year olds

    Tuesday November 26th


    Partner Stretching & Gong Bath

    Have fun in an interactive, lightly physical evening of gentle stretching - with each other! - as we learn subtle assists in stretch deepening, followed by a 20-minute restorative gong bath.

  • 50+ year olds

    Thursday December 5th


    Partner Stretching & Gong Bath

    Have fun in an interactive, lightly physical evening of gentle stretching - with each other! - as we learn subtle assists in stretch deepening, followed by a 20-minute restorative gong bath.

  • 25-35 years old

    Friday December 6th


    Partner Stretching & Gong Bath

    Have fun in an interactive, lightly physical evening of gentle stretching - with each other! - as we learn subtle assists in stretch deepening, followed by a 20-minute restorative gong bath.

  • 30-40 year olds

    Wednesday December 11th


    Building Intimacy

    What is intimacy? How do we cultivate it? For us, it is deep authentic connection that encompasses physical, emotional, mental, and even spiritual realms. This evening is dedicated to exploring and deepening our relationship with intimacy itself.

  • 40-50 year olds

    Thursday December 12th


    Building Intimacy

    What is intimacy? How do we cultivate it? For us, it is deep authentic connection that encompasses physical, emotional, mental, and even spiritual realms. This evening is dedicated to exploring and deepening our relationship with intimacy itself.

  • All Ages

    Saturday December 14th


    Yoga & Sound Bath

    Come for some light yoga, breath, and a sound bath that will help you deepen into presence and embodiment so your interactions will naturally be more authentic and dropped in.

  • All Ages

    Thursday December 19th


    Masculine/Feminie Polarity

    Welcome to our all-ages mixer where we will build our relational skills toolkit with learning, play, and practice with embodiment of the masculine/feminine polarities.

  • 30-40 year olds

    Thursday January 2nd


    Astrology Night

    What does your Sun Sign, Moon Sign, and Venus have anything to do with finding compatible matches? Come and find out in an illuminating evening of learning and connection.

  • 35-45 year olds

    Saturday January 4th


    Astrology Night

    What does your Sun Sign, Moon Sign, and Venus have anything to do with finding compatible matches? Come and find out in an illuminating evening of learning and connection.

Join us for one of our upcoming events!