Check out these recent articles about our classes written by Elizabeth Borelli and featured in Good Times, Santa Cruz!

  • Bathed in Beauty

    In a noisy world, the right sounds can relax—and maybe even heal.

    I am sitting at my home office desk, researching the local sound bathing scene, when a sudden blast of searing clatter makes my head swim. I reach for the ear plugs kept close for such occasions, knowing the neighbor’s gardeners will finish their auditory assault on errant leaves in 30 minutes or so…

  • Straight Talk

    Rita Rivera explains how aligning the spine quiets the mind.

    I am talking with Rita Rivera, a longtime figure on the Santa Cruz wellness scene, about posture.

    We agree that among other things, posture—or the way we hold our bodies—is a form of communication. Someone walks toward us with open arms and we can tell they’re happy to see us. Slumped shoulders or crossed arms—maybe not so much…

  • Breathing Your Way to Health and Wellness

    Pages to Practice

    Recently a local magazine published a feature titled “Breathing your Way to Happiness.” The subtitle read “breath work, an ancient discipline becomes mainstream.”...

  • Christopher Montenegro and Sacred Masculinity

    Sacred Son

    You can always tell a natural leader by the first introduction. After braving the downtown mid-week mayhem, I speed-walked my way into Roxa lounge just in time to meet Christopher Montenegro. I was excited to chat about his new eight-week program, “Forging the Path to Sacred Masculinity”.